This API creates new data extraction job.
URI | | |
Supported verbs | GET, POST | |
Required headers | Authorization, Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key | |
Parameters | ||
CategoryIds | Required | An array of category Ids, as retrieved from the category catalog. |
IndustryCode | Required | An Industry code, as retrieved from the category catalog. |
GeographyIds | Required | An array of geography Ids, as retrieved from the geography catalog. |
DataTypeIds | Required | An array of data type Ids, as retrieved from the data type catalog. |
ExchangeRate | Default 0 | Specifies whether to perform unified currency exchange. Available options (Both = 0, YearOnYear = 2, Fixed = 1). The exchange rate default 0. |
GrowthType | Default 0 | Specifies growth transform to be applied. Available options (None = 0, YearOnYear = 1). The growth type default 0. |
LocalCurrency | Default false | Specifies whether to return value in local researched currency (true or false). |
UnifiedCurrency | Default 0 | Currency to convert all value data to. Applies to value data only. Available options (None = 0, USD = 1, EUR = 2, GBP = 3, JPY = 4, CHF = 5). The unified currency default 0. |
DataSliceId | Default null | Specifies data slice Id. |
FileType | Default 0 | Specifies file type. Available options (csv = 0, parquet = 1, json = 2). The file type default 0. |
PerCapitaId | Default null | Specifies per capita Id. The file type default null. |
InflationType | Default 0 | Specifies file type. Available options (Both = 0, Current = 3, Constant = 5). The file type default 0. |
A sample GET request might look like this:
GET{GeographyIds}&IndustryCode={IndustryCode}[&CategoryIds][&DataTypeIds][&ExchangeRate][&GrowthType][&LocalCurrency][&UnifiedCurrency][&DataSliceId][&FileType][&PerCapitaId][&InflationType] HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <tokenstring>
Accept: application/json; api-version=1.0
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: <keystring>
A sample with POST version of the request will look like this:
Authorization: Bearer <tokenstring>
Content-Type: application/json
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: <keystring>
"CategoryIds": [
"IndustryCodes": "string",
"GeographyIds": [
"DataTypeIds": [
"ExchangeRate": 0,
"GrowthType": 0,
"LocalCurrency": true,
"UnifiedCurrency": 0,
"DataSliceId": 0,
"FileType": 0,
"PerCapitaId": 0,
"InflationType": 0
A successful response body will have the following structure in JSON format:
"jobId": "string",
"processingStatus": "string",
"message": "string"
The response structure is as follows:
jobId | Newly created job Id. |
processingStatus | Status of a current job, for example: "Queued". |
message | Status explanation message, for example: "Your request has been received and is now queued for processing. Please wait for the request to be processed." |