This API creates new data extraction job.

Supported verbs GET, POST
Required headers Authorization, Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key
CategoryIds Required An array of category Ids, as retrieved from the category catalog.
IndustryCode Required An Industry code, as retrieved from the category catalog.
GeographyIds Required An array of geography Ids, as retrieved from the geography catalog.
DataTypeIds Required An array of data type Ids, as retrieved from the data type catalog.
ExchangeRate Default 0 Specifies whether to perform unified currency exchange. Available options (Both = 0, YearOnYear = 2, Fixed = 1). The exchange rate default 0.
GrowthType Default 0 Specifies growth transform to be applied. Available options (None = 0, YearOnYear = 1). The growth type default 0.
LocalCurrency Default false Specifies whether to return value in local researched currency (true or false).
UnifiedCurrency Default 0 Currency to convert all value data to. Applies to value data only. Available options (None = 0, USD = 1, EUR = 2, GBP = 3, JPY = 4, CHF = 5). The unified currency default 0.
DataSliceId Default null Specifies data slice Id.
FileType Default 0 Specifies file type. Available options (csv = 0, parquet = 1, json = 2). The file type default 0.
PerCapitaId Default null Specifies per capita Id. The file type default null.
InflationType Default 0 Specifies file type. Available options (Both = 0, Current = 3, Constant = 5). The file type default 0.

A sample GET request might look like this:

GET{GeographyIds}&IndustryCode={IndustryCode}[&CategoryIds][&DataTypeIds][&ExchangeRate][&GrowthType][&LocalCurrency][&UnifiedCurrency][&DataSliceId][&FileType][&PerCapitaId][&InflationType] HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <tokenstring>
Accept: application/json; api-version=1.0
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: <keystring>

A sample with POST version of the request will look like this:

Authorization: Bearer <tokenstring>
Content-Type: application/json
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: <keystring>

"CategoryIds": [
"IndustryCodes": "string",
"GeographyIds": [
"DataTypeIds": [
"ExchangeRate": 0,
"GrowthType": 0,
"LocalCurrency": true,
"UnifiedCurrency": 0,
"DataSliceId": 0,
"FileType": 0,
"PerCapitaId": 0,
"InflationType": 0

A successful response body will have the following structure in JSON format:

"jobId": "string",
"processingStatus": "string",
"message": "string"

The response structure is as follows:

jobId Newly created job Id.
processingStatus Status of a current job, for example: "Queued".
message Status explanation message, for example: "Your request has been received and is now queued for processing. Please wait for the request to be processed."