See the section above for a description of what we mean by Data Slices in the context of the Euromonitor statistics API. The Data Slice Category Hierarchy endpoint allows you to pull out a representation of the hierarchy of an industry split into multiple columns according product level. It even allows you to pull alternative ways of aggregating up the same data.

This endpoint allows you to query the product hierarchy for a particular data slice available for a specific industry. You can use this in conjunction with the market sizes you pull from the Market Sizes endpoint to see how data sums up through the hierarchy - and in some cases, through a choice of hierarchies.

For example, in Alcoholic Drinks, the product "Imported Premium Lager" could be considered to have the parent "Imported Lager", or the parent "Premium Lager". Passport presents the Lager hierarchy in both of these ways and a Passport user can choose one or the other. If you want to pull this data through the API and you want to see the full hierarchy path for this product then you can choose whether you want to see this with data slice 2:


	2,Lowest level products,12427,Ale,AD,Alcoholic Drinks,Beer,Dark Beer,Ale,,,,,

	2,Lowest level products,13958,Sorghum,AD,Alcoholic Drinks,Beer,Dark Beer,Sorghum,,,,,

	2,Lowest level products,13918,Weissbier/Weizen/Wheat Beer,AD,Alcoholic Drinks,Beer,Dark Beer,Weissbier/Weizen/Wheat Beer,,,,,

	2,Lowest level products,13919,Flavoured/Mixed Lager,AD,Alcoholic Drinks,Beer,Lager,Flavoured/Mixed Lager,,,,,

	2,Lowest level products,13064,Domestic Premium Lager,AD,Alcoholic Drinks,Beer,Lager,Standard Lager,Premium Lager,Domestic Premium Lager,,,

	2,Lowest level products,12430,Imported Premium Lager,AD,Alcoholic Drinks,Beer,Lager,Standard Lager,Premium Lager,Imported Premium Lager,,,

Or this with data slice 6:


	6,Lowest levels products by origin,12427,Ale,AD,Alcoholic Drinks,Beer,Dark Beer,Ale,,,

	6,Lowest levels products by origin,13958,Sorghum,AD,Alcoholic Drinks,Beer,Dark Beer,Sorghum,,,

	6,Lowest levels products by origin,13918,Weissbier/Weizen/Wheat Beer,AD,Alcoholic Drinks,Beer,Dark Beer,Weissbier/Weizen/Wheat Beer,,,

	6,Lowest levels products by origin,13919,Flavoured/Mixed Lager,AD,Alcoholic Drinks,Beer,Lager,Flavoured/Mixed Lager,,,

	6,Lowest levels products by origin,13064,Domestic Premium Lager,AD,Alcoholic Drinks,Beer,Lager,Lager by Origin,Domestic Lager,Domestic Premium Lager,

	6,Lowest levels products by origin,12431,Domestic Mid-Priced Lager,AD,Alcoholic Drinks,Beer,Lager,Lager by Origin,Domestic Lager,Domestic Mid-Priced Lager,

	6,Lowest levels products by origin,12432,Domestic Economy Lager,AD,Alcoholic Drinks,Beer,Lager,Lager by Origin,Domestic Lager,Domestic Economy Lager,

	6,Lowest levels products by origin,12430,Imported Premium Lager,AD,Alcoholic Drinks,Beer,Lager,Lager by Origin,Imported Lager,Imported Premium Lager,

	6,Lowest levels products by origin,13065,Imported Mid-Priced Lager,AD,Alcoholic Drinks,Beer,Lager,Lager by Origin,Imported Lager,Imported Mid-Priced Lager,

	6,Lowest levels products by origin,12433,Imported Economy Lager,AD,Alcoholic Drinks,Beer,Lager,Lager by Origin,Imported Lager,Imported Economy Lager,

Not that data slice 2 - the "lowest levels" subset of the data, returns the product categories that exist on all countries. In some industries we have deeper breakouts that exist only on a handful of countries. While these are available in the "all products" data slice 1, they don't count as "lowest levels" in data slice 2. Instead we select just the lowest common denominator - product categories that exist on all geographic levels.

URI /[DataSliceID]/category
Supported verbs GET, POST
Required headers Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key, Accept, Authorization
Supported formats JSON, XML, CSV
DataSliceID One integer to represent the choice of "data slice" for the industry or industries selected
IndustryCodes An array of Industry Codes, as retrieved from the Category catalog

A sample GET request might look like this:

	Authorization: Bearer <tokenstring>
	Accept: application/json; api-version=1.0
	Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: 173bad6f0b319h23add9ad162493915e

The POST version of the same request will look like this:

	Authorization: Bearer <tokenstring>
	Accept: application/json; api-version=1.0
	Content-Type: application/json
	Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: 173bad6f0b319h23add9ad162493915e

		"industryCodes": [

A successful response body will have the following structure in JSON format:

			"DataSliceId": 0,
			"DataSliceName": "string",
			"CategoryId": 0,
			"CategoryName": "string",
			"IndustryCode": "string",
			"CategoryLevel0": "string",
			"CategoryLevel1": "string",
			"CategoryLevel2": "string",
			"CategoryLevel3": "string",
			"CategoryLevel4": "string",
			"CategoryLevel5": "string",
			"CategoryLevel6": "string",
			"CategoryLevel7": "string"

It is an array of product hierarchy entries, each with the following members:

DataSliceid The ID of the data slice
DataSliceName The name of the data slice
CategoryId The ID of the product category
CategoryName The name of the category
CategoryLevel0 The name of the top level product to which this category contributes (eg Packaged Food)
CategoryLevel1 The name of the next level product to which this category contributes (eg Confectionery)
CategoryLevel2 The name of the next level product to which this category contributes (eg Gum)