Our datasets include data for many different data types. Each market’s data may be returned in a multitude of data types. For example, requesting brand share data for Beer in France will return several records for value (different currency conversions, current and constant, etc.) as well as several records for volume (litres, barrels, etc.). These data types will be repeated for each brand returned. To refine your request, you can specify data types you want returned. However, the data types available to select will depend on the dataset, industry and categories you request.

This endpoint allows you to query the data types available for a specific dataset, so you can use these data types to refine a request to one of the main services.

URI https://api.euromonitor.com/catalog/{MeasureType}/datatype
Supported verbs GET, POST
Required headers Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key, Accept, Authorization
Supported formats JSON, XML, CSV
MeasureType Required The dataset that you wish to retrieve data types for. Can be MarketSize, CompanyShare or BrandShare
IndustryCodes Required A list of industry codes you wish to retrieve data types for
CategoryIds Optional A list of Category IDs you wish to retrieve data types for

A sample GET request might look like this:

GET https://api.euromonitor.com/catalog/BrandShare/datatype?IndustryCodes=CT&CategoryIds=11069 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.euromonitor.com
Authorization: Bearer <tokenstring>
Accept: application/json; api-version=1.0
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: 173bad6f0b319h23add9ad162493915e

The POST version of the same request will look like this:

POST https://api.euromonitor.com/catalog/BrandShare/datatype HTTP/1.1
Host: api.euromonitor.com
Authorization: Bearer <tokenstring>
Accept: application/json; api-version=1.0
Content-Type: application/json
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: 173bad6f0b319h23add9ad162493915e
    "industryCodes": [
    "categoryIds": [

A successful response body will have the following structure in JSON format:

        "id": 0,
        "name": "string"

It is an array of DataType objects, each with the following members:

id The ID of the data type. Use a collection of these values when building requests to the main data services
name The name of the data type